The Exclusive Glory of Jesus Christ, Part 2 |The Unveiling of Jesus Christ
Peter, James, and John are encouraged by the transfiguration.
At the transfiguration Jesus is with Moses and Elijah and they are discussing Jesus leaving. Moses and Elijah have always pointed their followers to Jesus. God the Father is unveiling Jesus’ glory to Peter, James, and John as a visible answer to Jesus’ prayer to strengthen them for future work that God has planned for them. They will need more than their own strength to accomplish the mission Jesus has for them after His resurrection and ascension. How do you respond after hearing the story of the Transfiguration? Has it encouraged you? Listen and then meditate on how you should be encouraged.
Series: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ
Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
Related Episodes: The unveiling of Jesus Christ, 1, 2 | The Exclusive Glory of Jesus Christ, 1
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 4