The Narrow Gate
The message of the gospel is the glorious good news, of how a sinful man can be reconciled to a holy God, but so many today don’t even want to talk about sin, much less challenge sinners to turn away from their sin, which is repentance. The gospel isn’t the good news it is meant to be, if we leave out sin and repentance. Such a false gospel leads people through the wide gate that leads to hell. God’s plan of redemption starts with the sinner repenting of their sin at which time God provides comfort through that repentance. The repentant sinner has assurance they are redeemed by the cost paid by Jesus on the cross by His death and resurrection which provides the comfort God offers. John the Baptist was the herald for Jesus and he spent his entire ministry preaching repentance. Listen to hear how important his ministry is to Jesus and how we should be following his example of calling people to repentance.
Broadcasts: 9