The Full Authority of the Son of Man, Part 1 | The Deepest Miracle
Be open to the truths in Scripture not blind like the Jewish leadership.
The teaching today, Travis explains that spiritual healing is of so much more value, eternal value, than physical healing. The Pharisees and the scribes came to Capernaum with an agenda. Their preconceived notions about Jesus and their thoughts are stopping them from seeing the truth. They came with prejudices which are cutting them off from the only hope of eternal life; Jesus Christ, who is directly in front of them. Travis reminds us that we can get complacent and take for granted the salvation we have and the treasure we have in being able to read and study the scriptures.
Series: The Deepest Miracle
Scripture: Luke 5:17-26
Related Episodes: The Greatest Miracle of All, 1, 2 The Full Authority of the Son of Man, 2
Join us for The Lord’s Day Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 4