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Resurrection and the End of Sin, Part 1| Resurrection and the End of Sin
It’s a fact and a salvation blessing, Christians can overcome sin in their lives.
Do you see sin in your life, but tell yourself that it is part of you and you cannot change? The message today reminds us that if we have a firm understanding of the Gospel then this passage of Romans 6:1-11 will encourage you to think about your salvation and how the bible says, as a true Christian you have the power to stop sinning.
Series: Resurrection and the End of Sin
Scripture: Romans 6:1-11
Related Episodes: Resurrection and the End of Sin, 2
Join us for The Lord’s Day Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 2