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calendar_today September 4, 2023
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The Evidence of True Conversion, Part 2

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In this message we take another look at Zacchaeus and Jesus. It’s a story of salvation. The life of Zaccheus displays the evidence of a truly converted heart. Conversion is more than just stopping a sinful pattern. When Zacchaeus heart is changed, his mind is made new and he’s no longer driven by a heart of greed. He works hard and he works honestly to make extra money, “in order that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” He is no longer working just for himself, but he’s looking around for people who have needs. He’s eager to be generous.

Broadcasts: 7

calendar_today September 6, 2023
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calendar_today September 5, 2023
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calendar_today September 1, 2023
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calendar_today September 4, 2023
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calendar_today August 31, 2023
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calendar_today August 30, 2023
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calendar_today August 29, 2023
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