Fix Your Eyes on Jesus, 1 of 3 | How to Survive a Crazy Election
Look at the world from God’s perspective.
As Christians, we need to look at all events happening in this world with a biblical perspective. The world seems to be in such disarray and turmoil, we can become anxious, stressed, and angry. We need to look at all that is happening in America and the world from Gods perspective, because none of the rebellion and turmoil is new or surprising. God is sovereign over everything and His will is never thwarted. He is in full control over everything in this world and working all things according to His wise and perfect will.
Series: How to Survive a Crazy Election
Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-14 and Selected Scriptures
Related Episodes: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus, 2, 3 | Pray, Stabilize, and Build, 1, 2
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 5