The Powerful Purpose of Parables, Part 2 | How to Cultivate Good Soil
He who has ears, let him hear.
Jesus concluded the Parable of the Soils by saying, “He who has ears, let him hear.” How we hear is so important. It is one of the main differences between those who are truly good soil, true believers that have had their hearts regenerated by God, and someone who professes to believe in a truth, but has not actually been changed by that truth. It all has to do with how they listen.
Series: How to Cultivate Good Soil
Scripture: Luke 8:4-10
Related Episodes: The Powerful Purpose of Parables, 1 | The Devilish Barrier of Bad Religion,1,2 | The Tragedy of Fruitless Christianity,1,2 | How to Cultivate Good Soil, 1,2 | Take Care How You Hear, 1,2 |
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 10