The Devilish Barrier of Bad Religion, Part 1 | How to Cultivate Good Soil
Why did Jesus speak in parables?
Why did Jesus speak in parables. The answer to that question is to determine a casual listener and draw in the serious listener. Why is knowing this important to Jesus, His disciples, and the rest of us, as we explain the Gospel to others. Parables help distinguish between true and false followers of Jesus Christ.
Series: How to Cultivate Good Soil
Scripture: Luke 8:10-12
Related Episodes: The Powerful Purpose of Parables, 1,2 | The Devilish Barrier of Bad Religion, 2 | The Tragedy of Fruitless Christianity,1,2 | How to Cultivate Good Soil, 1,2 | Take Care How You Hear, 1,2 |
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 10