Take Care How You Hear, Part 2| How to Cultivate Good Soil
If you believe the Bible, you have an obligation to obedience.
God has a purpose in revealing all that He has revealed to us in His word. And since He has a definite intention behind His revelation, those who claim to believe that the Bible is truly His Word have a responsibility to it. Divine revelation places an inescapable obligation on those who hear it. The obligation goes beyond hearing, beyond disciplining ourselves to be sure we are clearly understanding, and ends with a right response to it. We are to conform ourselves to it in humble obedience and listen with hearts that are eager to obey it.
Series: How to Cultivate Good Soil
Scripture: Luke 8:4-18
Related Episodes: The Powerful Purpose of Parables, 1,2 | The Devilish Barrier of Bad Religion,1,2 | The Tragedy of Fruitless Christianity,1,2 | How to Cultivate Good Soil, 2 | Take Care How You Hear, 1 |
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 10