How to be an Excellent Disciple, Part 2 | How to be an Excellent Disciple
How you obey Jesus is directly tied to who you follow.
Luke 6 verses 39 through 49, teaches how to be an excellent disciple of Jesus. The verses teach us that we need to pay close attention to who we follow as our teachers. It encourages us to examine our teacher’s lives and our own lives for truthfulness of what we are learning. Jesus teaches the importance and necessity of applying what we learn. How can you be obedient to Jesus’s teachings, if the people you are learning from are not telling you the truth. Jesus addresses why humility is a necessity for following him in obedience.
Series: How to be an Excellent Disciple
Scripture: Luke 6:39-49
Related Episodes: How to be an Excellent Disciple, 1 | How to be an Excellent Disciple, Authority, 1, 2 | How to be an Excellent Disciple, Humility,1, 2|How to be an excellent Disciple, Fecundity, 1, 2 |How to be an Excellent Disciple, Fidelity,1, 2
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
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