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calendar_today November 11, 2024

Baptism: The Gateway to the church, Part 1 | Foundations of Church Life

Baptism is Jesus’ ordinance for a believer; why has it become trivialized.

In this message Travis talks about the importance of honoring the ordinance of baptism by understanding its place by which the redeemed enter into the fellowship of the Church. In the Great Commission, Jesus says, in Matthew 28, Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Travis explains why Baptism is so important to the Local church and what Scripture actually says about what the church leadership is to do in baptizing people into local church membership.


Series: Foundations of Church Life

Scripture:  Selected Scriptures

Related Episodes: Baptism: The Gateway to the Church,  2 | Communion: The Fellowship of the Local Church, 1, 2 | The Discipline of the Local Church, 1, 2


Join us for The Lord’s Day Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634

Broadcasts: 6