Solidifying the Rock, Part 4 | Common Men, Uncommon Calling
Divine Love versus Worldly Love.
One of the great problems in evangelicalism today is that we have moved away from a truly biblical understanding of love and have started speaking about love on the world’s terms. Peter needed to learn the nature of divine love; seeing things God’s way versus being motivated by things of man. Peter needed to learn to love and serve Jesus more than anyone else. A love that is willing to crucify self for the ultimate good of others. We need these lessons as well. We’ll see how Jesus taught Peter what it truly means to love. We will learn how to turn our focus from ourselves to others in this way.
Series: Common Men, Uncommon Calling
Scripture: Luke 6:14-16
Related Episodes: Twelve Common Men, 1, 2 | Solidifying the Rock, 1,2,3,5,6 | The Sons of Thunder,1,2 | Lessons from the Lesser Knowns,1,2 | Judas Iscariot,1,2,3
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 15