Lessons from the Lesser Knowns, Part 2 | Common Men, Uncommon Calling
God redeemed you; He really can use you.
Can God really use me? Have you ever thought that? Ever asked yourself that? Travis walks us through the lives of Matthew, a hated tax collector, Thomas, primarily remembered for his doubt, and the last three, James the younger, Simon the zealot, and Thaddeus; men we know very little about, but are all faithful to the end! Think back to Jesus’s choice of disciples; to see His imprint on them, His wise use of each one and be encouraged. God has brought you to Himself. He has redeemed you, in order to work through you, just as He did with these five, lesser-known Apostles.
Series: Common Men, Uncommon Calling
Scripture: Luke 6:14-16
Related Episodes: Twelve Common Men, 1, 2 | Solidifying the Rock, 1,2,3,4,5,6 | The Sons of Thunder,1, 2 | Lessons from the Lesser Knowns,1 | Judas Iscariot,1,2,3
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 15