Judas Iscariot, Part 2 | Common Men, Uncommon Calling
True repentance leads to a changed life.
Jesus knowingly chose the man who would betray him to be part of his closest circle of friends, for our benefit. Judas didn’t have a heart of repentance. He said the words, but his heart never changed. He never sorrowed over his sin and his life never changed. He brought greed, covetousness, and selfish desire along with him, as he traveled with Jesus and the other Apostles. True repentance starts in the mind and affects the emotions causing a deep sorrow over the persons’ sin, knowing they are a sinner before a holy God. True repentance leads to a changed life.
Series: Common Men, Uncommon Calling
Scripture: Luke 6:14-16
Related Episodes: Twelve Common Men, 1, 2 | Solidifying the Rock, 1,2,3,4,5,6 | The Sons of Thunder,1, 2 | Lessons from the Lesser Knowns,1,2 | Judas Iscariot,1,3
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 15