Trusting God in the Christmas Story, Part 1| A Christ Centered Christmas
Mary’s faith in God’s word and His promises to Israel.
This message is a study in Mary’s faith, which provides a great opportunity for us to examine our own faith. As John MacArthur has pointed out, “Faith is not based on a blind leap into the unknown and unknowable, it’s based on facts.” Do you look at Mary’s betrothal, conception of Jesus, and his birth through your own cultural views? Listen to learn what trials Mary would have experienced during the conception and birth of Jesus. Travis shows us Mary’s faith and trust in what God has said and promised in the Old Testament regarding the Messiah.
Series: A Christ Centered Christmas
Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:20, Colossians 1:15-20
Related Episodes: Trusting God in the Christmas Story, 2 | The Fullness of God in Him, 1, 2 | Finding Hope in the Christmas Story,1, 2 | Why Angels Rejoice, 1, 2
Join us for The Lord’s Day Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Grace Church Greeley
Broadcasts: 8