Finding Hope in the Christmas Story, Part 1 | A Christ Centered Christmas
What should we be putting our trust in?
What has been happening for many years in our world and our country, should have taught us that we cannot put our trust in anything temporal or earthly, because all of these are passing away. What then should we be putting our trust in? The bible tells the readers of the sovereignty of God the creator over the world. The Christmas story initiates God’s plan of salvation for the creation that rebelled against Him. Travis shows us the hope that God gives us in the Christmas story.
Series: A Christ Centered Christmas
Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:20, Colossians 1:15-20
Related Episodes: Trusting God in the Christmas Story, 1, 2 | The Fullness of God in Him, 1, 2 | Finding Hope in the Christmas Story, 2 | Why Angels Rejoice, 1, 2
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634
Broadcasts: 8