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The Doctrine of Hell and its Fruit, Part 2 | Hell is for Real

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The doctrine of Hell explained.

The purpose of the parable, The Rich Man and Lazarus, is to warn the reader about the conscious punishment of anyone who is not a true follower of Christ, a born-again Christian. Jesus says that some people who believe they are saved may not be and are headed for Hell. How much do you know about what Jesus taught regarding Hell? Jesus taught more about Hell than he did about Heaven. Why do you think he did that? Travis answers that question as he teaches what the bible says about the doctrine of Hell. Once you understand the doctrine of Hell, you will understand why it is so important for everyone to fully understand the good news of the Gospel.


Series: Hell is for Real

Scripture: Luke 16:19-31

Related Episodes: The Doctrine of Hell and its Fruit, 1, 3 |The Rich Man and Lazarus,1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634