The Doctrine of Hell and its Fruit, Part 1 | Hell is for Real
What did Jesus’ death really save us from.
Travis gives us clear teaching on what Jesus’ dying on the cross is saving us from. We talk about being saved from our sins, but what does that really mean. Do you understand what salvation, the good news of the Gospel, is saving you from? Jesus teaches the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus for the purpose of warning people about the conscious punishment of the unrepentant person for eternity. Travis explains the doctrine of Hell and why God is justified to punish those who reject Him.
Series: Hell is for Real
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Related Episodes: The Doctrine of Hell and its Fruit, 2, 3 |The Rich Man and Lazarus,1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634