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calendar_today February 19, 2025
menu_book Luke 17:22-30

Ready When Christ Returns, Part 1

Are you ready for the Son of Man’s return?

In the Bible Jesus tells us He will return.  When He was asked, when will that happen, He clearly stated that no one knows the date and the time of His return, only the father. The pharisees asked when the kingdom of God would come. These verses give Jesus’ answer. Travis exegetes what Jesus said to them and keep in mind this information is for us also. Travis explains what we are to be doing while we wait for the Son of Man. Are you ready for the Son of Man’s return?


Series: How to Wait for Christ’s Return

Scripture: Luke 17:22-30

Related Episodes: How We Wait for Christ’s Return, 1, 2 | Ready When Christ Returns, 2 |


Join us for The Lord’s Day Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Grace Church Greeley
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO 80634